Thursday, January 29, 2015

Jet Lag

If there's one thing I remember wanting to do differently from last trip, it was to be better prepared to fight jet lag. Jeff and I were falling asleep around 8 p.m. and waking up at 5 a.m. while in Japan. Waking up that early really limits your meal options (read: McDonald's). So, how does one prevent jet lag. The main advice I continually read was to expose yourself to bright light at the right times, and cutting off your light exposure a few hours earlier. Doing this can set your circadian rhythm 2 hours in the right direction.  Also, staying hydrated is a big help.

Here are some websites that give the science of preventing jet lag, circadian rhythms, and tips to avoid jet lag.
Travel Smart's Tips
Mayo Clinic's Tips and Tricks
Fodor's Advice to Preventing Jet Lag
Scientific American Explains Jet Lag

Monday, January 19, 2015

Spa World

Looking for the onsen experience with flair? Spa World is a large place with many types of onsen, food, and spa experiences!  Take note that the types of spas switch with the months (European and Asian styles). Also, make sure to read the "Caution" page. People with permanent tattoos are not allowed. There is also a contradictory rule saying you may wear a bathingsuit or towel, and then the last rule says you may NOT wear a bathingsuit or towel.