Monday, May 22, 2023

Japan 2023: Day 12 - Fukuoka

 Not much to write about for today.  We shopped until we dropped and then we shopped some more because we're masochists, apparently.

Started out the day with a hearty breakfast from Mister Donut. We did our best not to fall into what I call the "mochi trap" because we like our donuts not mochi-mochi, thank you. All mine were pretty good: old fashioned donut, a churro ring, and a regular-ol' yeast donut dusted with sugar. Here's a photo of what Jeff got:

And that's the only photo we took today!

Today the plan was to shop at all the nerdy anime stores with a concentration in doujinshi and second-hand figures (read: cheaper). Our pilgrimage took us all around Tenjin and then two subway stops to Hakata. Here's the list of shops I texted to Jeff when I did a google maps search for 中古アニメ: Village Vanguard, Animega Sofmap, Yellow Submarine, Book-Off Tenjin and Hakata-guchi, Mandarake, Box Showroom, Surugaya, Gamers Hakata, and Manga Souko.

No major finds, really. Book Off was kind to me with a Mewtwo figurine and some CDs (BUCK TICK, P-Model, Susumu Hirasawa and X-Japan). We went to the Fukuoka Pokemon center but there was absolutely nothing we wanted (and it was a little small).

Oh yeah! We were approached by a guy who was like, "where are you from?" and we're like "America" and he's like "Are you brother and sister?" and we're like, "No, husband and wife," and he's like "You like Japan?" and we're like, "Yes! We love it here!" and he says, "Let's take a picture together!" and hands Jeff his cell phone and puts his arm around me and touches my butt while asking my husband to take a picture LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!! Oh weird chikans.... Jeff said he turned the camera around so the guy got a picture of Jeff's shirt front. Sorry buddy, no picture of me for your spank bank! Also, he tried to give me a hug after Jeff took the picture but I just said "No, we shake hands," and he turned it into an awkward handshake-hug. Oh Japan.... *shakes head*

It was a LOT of walking and it was all concrete sidewalks, so our feet are so tired right now. And Jeff is even more tired since he was up at 1 am last night registering for GenCon events and then again at 3:30 am to see which ones he got into.

He toughed it out and we limped a block away to Ichiran for some ramen for dinner and then right next door to Karaoke Kan for an hour of karaoke.

Now it is time for bed. That's all we've collectively got the strength for this evening. 

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